We recently caught up with Monroeville‘s own, T3mpo Tai, to get a rundown on what’s new and a bit of history. Check out the interview below:
How did you get started? I started reading and writing young. After seeing the wat music moved and inspired people I knew I want to do that one day.
Name your biggest influence. Probably J. Cole. I respect how he accepted the process and chose longevity over instant gratification as well as the energy he puts out when he performs.
If you can, put your style in words… A lyrical vibe. We make arena music that’s for everyone to enjoy and feel but with substance and story telling.
Describe your “come up” so far. It’s been a process. It’s been both, fast at times and methodical at others. I’ve been proud at the patience my team and I’ve had at times because we allowed ourselves time to experience and understand how we want to move and the approach. Kinda like Cole, I’ve chosen longevity over instant.
What’s your biggest challenge as an artist? My biggest challenge has been working with other artists. I’m so decisive on what, and how I want that sometimes in the business people need to move at their pace and follow their process. I’m so driven that I don’t look to wait for other artists and producers to do something for me.
Describe your song making process.. It’s always me hearing a beat. The music is what gives the feeling and the feelings being the words. Sometimes I’ll have something I’ve written that matches perfectly, but most of the time it’s me creating based on what I felt in that moment.
What legacy will you leave? Business, Artistry, and Community Growth. Business and financial literacy to grow my community and comfort my family for generations. It’s exciting for me to know that all of that can come from my art/music.
Plug your new single/project My new single Flashback is out on all major platforms.
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/flashback/1646740826?i=1646740827
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3GYPfT3MlEwudbi57IhSYm?si=ex2IASI1TD-7_CKaBkIL4A
G-HOLY.COM, 2022.