Why the Freddie Gibbs & Benny beef is wack…
Hip-Hop is gonna Hip-Hop… This we know, but looking back, frivolous riffs have protentially prevented us from some of the greatest music and moments in its history. Freddie Gibbs and…
Rhyme & Spirits
Hip-Hop is gonna Hip-Hop… This we know, but looking back, frivolous riffs have protentially prevented us from some of the greatest music and moments in its history. Freddie Gibbs and…
Chopped and Screwed Is Being Manipulated SMH…
Hip-Hop has been speaking for the people since The Message…
Beatmaking ang Producing are two different world’s.
Groups continue to make an impact in Hip -Hop, over time…
Hip-Hop Is For The Children. Here Lies The Proof…